
Miracles of Natural Healing DVD, MP4 Download or Book


*MP4 files may not be downloaded directly to and play on smart devices. It is for computers.

DVD (NTSC only, for US & Canada) – NTSC can be played on newer DVD players in Europe; check your player before ordering.


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This DVD offers one-hour and forty minutes of step-by-step instructions for the Chi-Lel™ methods:.
1) Lift Chi Up and Pour Chi Down Method; .
2) Three Centers Merge Standing Method;.
3) La Chi; .
4) Wall Squatting.
Also features actual footage from China of: 1) A bladder cancer being removed in real-time using chi; 2) Testimonials of recovered patients; 3) Group practice of Chi-Lel™; 4) Fa chi – emitting chi for healing from teachers to students; from family members to their loved ones; and from Founder, Dr. Pang, to students.


The book features truly inspirational stories of 101 individuals who miraculously recovered from cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, severe depression, paralysis, systemic lupus, and many other chronic illnesses. Learn the self-healing method prescribed by the world’s largest medicineless hospital for curing the incurables. Discover the exercise practiced daily by eight million people for health, longevity, creativity and mental clarity.

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Miracles of Natural Healing

DVD, Book, MP4 Download